What Drone Does YouTuber MrBeast Use?

Are you a YouTuber who’s looking to buy your own drone? MrBeast, one of the fastest-growing (if not the fastest) and the most popular YouTubers currently in the world, is also using drones to make his videos as interesting as possible.
Sometimes to shoot a great video you need a drone. They have become the standard today. Drones are a great way of adding an extra dimension to your video content and they can be used for many different purposes. So let’s find out what drone the most popular YouTuber MrBeast use.
What Drone Does MrBeast Use?
So, What Drone Does YouTuber MrBeast Use? MrBeast uses drones to shoot some of its YouTube videos are the DJI Phantom 4 Pro, the SwellPro SplashDrone 3+, and the DJI Mavic 2 Zoom. These drones are high-quality models, have a flight time of over 25 minutes, and have great stability in the air while recording.
Just like we said above, every YouTuber, just like MrBeast, wants to create the best possible content, and that is very difficult today without the use of drones. For example, if you want to capture some aerial footage or get close-up shots from high up in the sky without having to use expensive equipment or risking injury, then you will need a drone. You could also use them for time lapses or even just for a fun!
As YouTube is gaining popularity, more and more Vloggers are using drones to promote their content. If you don’t use drones, you’ll simply be disadvantaged over those who use them.
If you want to know what drone the most popular YouTuber PewdiePie use, read this article: What Drone Does PewdiePie Have.
Who is MrBeast? For Those Who Don’t Know
MrBeast has been a YouTube phenomenon for over 4 years, with his crazy videos of elaborate challenges and attention-grabbing stunts. He is most well known for jaw-dropping philanthropy. Each video of MrBeast is drawing tens of millions of views, he brings his unique brand of fun to an impressive worldwide audience! At this moment, he has more than 60 million subscribers on YouTube!
> Get Latest DJI Phantom 4 PRO HERE <
Related Article: How to Find the Owner of a Lost Drone? 4 Ways
MrBeast Dropped $20,000 From A Drone
Yes, you heard it right, MrBeast dropped $20,000 from a drone. When Chris and Jimmy were done filming their footage of money being dropped in various locations throughout America, they handed over all that cash to people on the street waiting for them to do so.
The reactions from those people ranged from surprise and joy when picking up some extra change off the ground or inside of cars – even if it was right outside an ATM! Here is the full video:
MrBeast’s Uses ‘Voice-Activated’ Drones
MrBeast’s latest video, which features a voice-activated drone light show with fireworks and priced from $1 to $5000 for the most expensive fireworks. MrBeast spent an estimated total of over 600 thousand dollars on these items to provide his viewers with some great content.
MrBeast sets off a firework worth $10,000 on a test dummy. The team then places fireworks in the car with small fires happening, as well as microwaving one of them. After all this, hundreds of drones light up behind Mr. Beast and his team, creating an awesome effect after each word is said into the walkie talkie which creates letters for whatever words are spoken.
The drones spell the words Burger, Cheese Balls, an “OK” hand symbol and more in a light show with fireworks.
It would be best to watch the full video of these awesome fireworks that are set with drones.
YouTube video of MrBeast Voice-Activated Drones.
MrBeast – Light Show By Using Drones

Grucci, the latest partner company that works with Verge Aero, which is a high-performance drone show technology company, started a project with a YouTube superstar MrBeast when he decided to have some fun with serious fireworks.
MrBeast and his team were camping out on the Nevada desert one night and got bored just waiting for dawn so they could turn up their campfire into an amazing firework display! Much to everyone’s surprise it only took them 3 minutes before 44 pounds of aerial explosives went off right above where they had set up shop; not to mention what kind of damage that would do if someone was downrange from such firepower? Luckily no injuries or animals killed during this “experiment.”
Related Article: What Drones Does Hollywood Use?
As you could see in this article, every famous YouTuber, just like MrBeast, uses drones to make their videos even more interesting. Drones are quite affordable today, so a lot of people can afford them for both recreational and professional uses such as recording YouTube videos. If you have any more questions, feel free to write in the comment below.