Are Drones Waterproof (Water Resistant)?
When summer comes, drone enthusiasts can’t wait to take advantage of this wonderful time of year, but what when summer season passes, can you then use a drone? Have you ever look out a rain covered window and wished you could be out there with your drone? So the question is, are Drones Waterproof? The Waterproof drones do exist! Water resistant and waterproof drones are available on the market. Waterproof drones are not only useful for enthusiasts, but also for professional and industrial use, and there is quite a big choice on the market today.
We will see some examples of water resistant and waterproof drones. Anyone who chooses to buy a drone would love to know the answer to the question: “are the drone waterproof?”. That person would also need to decide whether or not he needed such a drone .
How Rain Affects Drones?
If the drones are not flying because it’s raining then major companies aren’t earning. So let’s look what kind of waterproof or water resistant drones are currently available on the market. We are currently witnessing the revolutionary era of drones, where the market is growing day by day. In almost every branch, drones are trying to replace jobs such as agriculture, construction, infrastructure, surveillance, etc. Currently, more than 100,000 drones are flying in the skies above the UK, and these numbers are expected to grow even further. Anyone who is familiar with drones, know that some models can fly in we weather conditions, while some can fly only in patchy rain conditions. Drones have evolved to such an extent that they exist for every application such as: underwater shooting, water landing, rain resistant, etc.
Difference between waterproof and water resistant drones
Fishing, kayaking, or camping trips can take on a whole new perspective when you have access to a waterporoof drone. But before we get started, it’s important to make a distinction between water resistant and waterproof drones.
Water resistant drones can handle the occasional splash or some drizzling, but are not suitable if you plan on using them in extreme weather conditions or under water. Water resistant drones are quite affordable nowadays, although you’ll have to be willing to compromise on footage quality. A good example is the Parrot Hydrofoil: This is more of a mini-drone which is nevertheless water-ready and can effortlessly glide over water for up to 9 minutes at the time. This device can perform 360-degree flips and stunts, so it’s a good choice if you’re interested in recording water sports. Cons of this drone is a VGA camera and a rather limited 65-feet (20 m) range. Also, parrot have ceased selling it, but there appears to be plenty of stock about if you want to try this entry level drone.
Waterproof & Water Resistant Drones For the Hobby Market
The number of drones designed to land and take off on water is still small, but the number is slowly growing. What if you’re planning on giving your drone a more intensive use. You must consider that a lot of waterproof drones are still unknown to many people. Waterproof drones for the hobby market do exist, and here are some top picks:
1.Goolsky JJRC H31: offers what to many is the best value for money when it comes to fully waterproof entry-level drones. While you can’t expect flawless image quality (the H31’s camera is only 2MP), this waterproof drone can fly within a range of 230 feet (80 m) for approximately 7 minutes, and can do so in low-light conditions. The actual device is encased in a heavy duty sports frame, so it will function when fully submerged under water.
2. SwellPro Splash 3: If image quality is a must and you’re willing to spend more cash, the Splash 3 is a good choice. This device became famous for being the world’s first modular weather-resistant and waterproof drone and for being able to film 4k HD footage under water. Heavy rain, snow, Force 4 winds… whatever you throw at it, the Swell Pro Splash 3 will handle. This drone is also a great option if you’re getting started in the commercial market.
Waterproof & Water Resistant Drones For the Commercial Market
Once you move on to more professional applications, such as film making, architecture, surface mapping, and entertainment, you’ll realise how much bettter the specs get. This is a rapidly changing market, but right now the best waterproof aerial drones for professional use are:
1.QuadH20: For those willing to invest in a professional drone for the first time, QuadH20 comes highly recommended. Image quality is a must in commercial UAV applications, and here the H20 delivers thanks to its smart design features, which allow immersive image capture. The airframe is made Epoxy fiber making this device fully watertight. Since the camera remains sealed when submerged and the motors are prepared to keep functioning underwater – just give them a quick rinse whenever they’re used in salt water to keep them in tip top condition. Flight time ranges from 8 to 12 minutes, which is decent enough for an entry-level commercial drone.
2.HexH20 Pro v2: Also by the same manufacturer but a step above in terms of image quality and waterproof performance is the H20 Pro v2. This device has the ability to capture underwater shoots in 4k, can land on water, and has proven its capabilities when filming fast-action scences, like jet skiing or yachting competitions. Foward speeds of up to 35 miles per hour and flight time of up to 25 minutes make the HexH20 Pro v2 one of the most advanced commercial drones available right now.
Underwater Drones
Last but not least, let’s take a look at drones that are in fact designed to operate under water. As you can see, choice is not a problem when it comes to choosing an underwater drone irrespective of budget or intended use. Waterproof drones do exist and we can only expect their range and specs to improve over time. With a bit of research, finding the ideal waterproof of water resistant drone will be easy and you’ll soon find yourself discovering ways of putting your new UAV to the test.
1.GPToys F51: At the lower end of the price scale we have devices like F51, which can record underwater scenes, although image quality can be grainy at times despite the advertised HD capabilities. Also F51 has the presence of red and green LED lights at the bottom of the drone, which looks pretty awesome when seen in the dark. The GPTOYS F51 has good motors, which is one of its advantages and thus can achieve high altitudes.
2.PowerVision Power Ray: For professional or commercial, we must mention this drone, fitted with headlights and a 12MP camera that records 4k footage at 60 frames per second at depths of up to 98 feet (30 meters). Battery life is rather impressive at approximately 4 hours, making this device ideal for commercial fishing, diving and recreational uses. Compared to many other drones in its class, the PowerRay’s performance is unquestionably superior.
Drones have evolved to such an extent that they exist for every application such as: underwater shooting, water landing, rain resistant, etc. Water resistant and waterproof drones are available on the market for a while. Also, water resistant drones are quite affordable nowadays if you are willing to buy them. But that depends if you want to buy it for the hobby market or for the commercial market use. Here we have listed some of the most popular water resistant and waterproof drones, but If you want to find something ideal for you, it will be easy because it is quite a big market. Good luck in search!